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Your next step

Hopefully, by now, you are inspired to take a next step. One that allows you to make a tangible step forward. All of our services are designed to really help you on your journey in the pursuit of well-being & productivity. Let’s see what fits your needs right now.

Ithaki donates 1% of your online purchases to help initiatives related to climate change (https://climate.stripe.com/ttNmi7).


Productivity – well-being assessment (free)

Download the free assessment containing 14 questions (2 questions for 7 dimensions) to get a better understanding of how well your organisation is equipped to balance productivity and well-being.

ScrumFit (free)

Thinking about embarking on the Agile journey? Or (re-)assessing your course? Check out the ScrumFit assessment.


E-books full of practical tips, tricks & best practices to move forward on a specific challenge.

e-boek “Dagelijkse beloftes aan jezelf”
e-boek: “Met plezier vergaderen”
e-book “Daily commitments to yourself”
e-book: “Mastering Meetings”
e-boek: “Probleem “7 fundamenten die een boost geven aan productiviteit & welzijn binnen je organisatie”

e-book: “7 Foundational Practices that will boost both productivity & well-being in your organisation”
e-boek: Probleem opgelost

(Geduld: Wordt aan gewerkt)

e-book: Problem Solved

(Be patient: In the making)

Short sessions

Here are 2 ways to get to know each other better, before engaging in a larger partnership:

Pick my brain

Concept: Jij stelt eender welke vraag. Ik probeer zo goed mogelijk nieuwe perspectieven, ideeën, referenties naar literatuur, etc aan te bieden. Praten over koetjes & kalfjes mag op eigen verantwoordelijkheid.

Als je niets hebt opgestoken, moet je niets betalen.

50 minuten – 99€ excl BTW

Concept: You ask any question you want. I will do my very best to provide new perspectives, ideas, references to literature, etc. Small-talk is at your own responsibility.

If you got zero new insights, you get your money back.

50 minutes – 99€ excl VAT

Discovery session

Vrijblijvend gesprek (1u)
Open-ended exchange (1h)

Sneak preview of the future

If you have a particular interest, let us know so we can tailor our offering to what our customers – you – really want or need. Win-win guaranteed.

e-book: “Kickstart your Agile Journey” – Step-by-step guide for organisations who embark on an Agile Journey and for whom Scrum is not a good fit. Also great for organisations that got stuck: it will allow to refocus on what really matters. A 2-day training with cases from non-IT environments is also a great option.

e-book: “Kickstart your Operational Excellence Journey” – Step-by-step guide for organisations who embark on their Operational Excellence Journey. Also great for organisations that got stuck: it will allow to refocus on what really matters.

e-book: “10 Red Flags on your Operational Excellence Journey” – get awareness when you are spending time, energy & money in things that might not pay off.

e-book: “Kickstart your Innovation Project” – Step-by-step guide for project managers to start a project with high uncertainty.

e-book: “Kickstart your Six Sigma Project” – Step-by-step guide for project managers to start a project that aims to reduce an observed variation in an operational environment.

e-book: “Kickstart your Lean Project” – Step-by-step guide for project managers to start a project aiming to reduce waste in a specific business process.

e-book: “Kickstart your CapEx Project” – Step-by-step guide for project managers to start a CapEx project.

e-book: “Shift from ad-hoc work to structured processes” – Step-by-step guide to start implement processes in your organisation.

e-book: “Problems with problem solving solved” – tips & trips to improve your problem solving capability

e-book: “Tracking Progress & Results” – Overview on various (visual) tools to monitor & analyse progress & results.

e-book: “The wrong standard” – A book about standardisation, harmonisation, tailor solutions and how to choose when to use which.

e-book: “Feeling at home at work” – About the benefits of creating a more human workplace & what can be done to get there.

e-book: “Statistics for operations made simple” – overview of practical statistical approaches for any operational situation (meeting FDA requirements).

e-course: “Early equipment management for project managers” – tips & tricks to avoid it takes 2 extra years before your equipment finally works more or less in a real environment.

e-course: “Improve your Quality Control” – a simple approach to quality control that does not require a PhD: Statistical Process Control without statistics; Gauge R&R and Sequential Quality Testing made super easy. And much more.