Embracing statistics
Statistics often get a bad reputation. Not least for being overly theoretical and complex. And that’s unfortunate. When used correctly, statistics can be a powerful… Lees meer »Embracing statistics
Statistics often get a bad reputation. Not least for being overly theoretical and complex. And that’s unfortunate. When used correctly, statistics can be a powerful… Lees meer »Embracing statistics
Introducing AHAg!le – the surprising power of Agile beyond code For about 15 years, I too equated Agile with Scrum, to be used solely in… Lees meer »Blog Series: AHAg!le
Our journey in implementing Agile methodologies to innovate in mass manufacturing. It highlights the misconception of equating Agility with Scrum and the challenges faced in adapting Agile principles to diverse environments. I share experiences with alternative approaches like Rapid Learning Cycles and reflect on the necessity of flexibility and adaptation in Agile implementation. Through experimentation and assimilation of various methodologies, I cannot but emphasize the importance of continuous improvement and organizational adaptation.
The art of slicing work: how to navigate unpredictable projects by Anton Skornyakov Who should read this book? Anyone involved in project management or developing… Lees meer »‘The art of slicing work’ by Anton Skornyakov
“Level 5 Leadership at Work” by Winston P Ledet, Michelle Ledet Henley, Sherri M Abshire” Who should read this book? The content of this book… Lees meer »‘Level 5 Leadership at Work’
It Doesn’t Have to Be Crazy at Work by Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson of Basecamp It Doesn’t Have to Be Crazy at Work… Lees meer »‘It Doesn’t Have to Be Crazy at Work’
You might have heard someone arguing: ‘why do we need frameworks like Agility or Lean? In the end, it is all common sense!’ I found… Lees meer »Ain’t common sense enough?
“Don’t Just Fix It, Improve It! A Journey to the Precision Domain” by Winston P. Ledet, Winston J. Ledet, Sherri M. Abshire Who should read… Lees meer »‘Don’t just fix it. Improve it!’
Every HR professional knows the feeling: the relentless pressure of routine tasks competing with the need for innovation & improvement, and finding the slack time… Lees meer »Finding a balanced way of working in HR
‘The Joy of Agility: How to Solve Problems and Succeed Sooner’ by Joshua Kerievsky Who should read this book? “The Joy of Agility” could appeal… Lees meer »‘The Joy of Agility’ by Joshua Kerievsky