You feel like you want to make a difference, not just in organisational results, but bigger: helping others, inspiring others, contributing to a better world, making others smile, …
In a gentle way, you can shake the world
Mahatma Gandhi
I have long carried a kind of emptyness: I was hired to deliver results. Point. I missed the human element. I can’t recall how often I got the feedback that what I had in mind does not work in real organisations. Many of the managers I worked with or for, did not know any better: they had only served in “amber” organisation (cfr Reinventing Organisations by Laloux). Such organisations have a static pyramidal hierarchy and a clear chain of command. Decisions are mostly made at upper levels of the hierarchy while lower levels simply follow orders. There is a lot of stress in such organisations. In a way, they are somewhat soulless.
Until I started to investigated and I was surprised by the number of leaders & organisations have been experimented with different approaches and quite successfully. It was heartwarming to feel connected to like-minded people.